Monday, July 06, 2009

A Lovely Email from Maria V Snyder

After reading the final book in her Poison Study trilogy, I noticed that the back of the "Fire Study" book I'd gotten from the library had a web site address and an email for the author, so I decided to write her a letter telling her how much I enjoyed the books she's written, so full of memorable characters.
She responded just a couple of days ago to say:

Hello DeAnn,

I'm so glad you enjoyed my books. I won't tell anyone about you jumping queue at your library :)

As for your question, I did leave readers hanging on the Commander's decision. He needed time to think about it ;> There are many factors to consider and there will be mention of his decision in a future book. I know I'm evil, making you read more my books ;>

Please send me a link to your blog so I can send fellow readers your way :)

FYI - I have two short stories about characters from my Study world (one about Valek and the other about Ari and Janco) on my website and a few other free stories to read. Here's a link: if you're interested.

Thanks so much for emailing and for your kind words!


What she is referring to is a question that I had after reading Fire Study about the Commander having twin souls, and finding out from Yelena that he does have magical ability that she could remove from him, along with that second pesky soul.
It would appear that master wordsmith Snyder is going to have more books set in her well-built universe, and that we readers will just have to wait to see what happens next!
I am a patient woman, especially when it comes to getting a new book that I really want to read, so I am willing to wait, but I will, of course, be gnawing my nails and pulling my hair with tension by the time it finally does appear, most likely a year or two hence.
I must also say that the short stories on Ms Snyders web site are a real treasure and more fun to read and delve into some side-kick characters than I'd imagined. She's got a way of making the reader pull for Ari and Janco, for instance, even when they're being annoying and bickering with one another like an old married couple (and that train of thought leads to the question of whether the two are homosexuals, but I hesitate to go there when the author clearly has her reasons for not hooking them up, and I assume she will reveal those reasons when the time is right.)

This also brings up my thought that Snyder's characters and her fantastic world building lead me to hope that some savvy producer at the SciFi Channel is also reading her wonderful fiction and noticing it's great potential as a SciFi mini-series.
Fingers crossed!

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